Monday, 24 October 2005


I went to the movies, today. I saw The Secret Life of Words (La vida secreta de las palabras) which has been released in Spain this week and wont be released in the States until December --I don't know when will it be released in the UK and Eire.
It is certainly a great movie and it made me think a lot, and sadly.

When I was younger, my brother and sisters, and most of the people that was around me, used to tell me very often thinks like: You weren't born yet, you are too young, you'll understand in a few years... I hated it. Especially this about me not being born when that matter had happened.
Now, I am very happy that I was born in 1981. Very proud.
Also, I am very happy I was born in Spain as, it is a great place. I am not saying this just because I am Spanish, but because we don't usually have natural catastrophes, we haven't had a war since 1939, etc.

As I said I saw today the new Isabel Coixet's movie and it made me think of how lucky I am that I was born in here, then.

[I am too sad to write longer, sorry.]

1 comment:

coque said...

I will watch this movie next weekend because I love I. Coixet movies.
I will comment again.
Now I'm trying to read very few things about the story, because it's a story about secrets (I think so).