Sunday, 2 October 2005


I haven't been around for a few days. It has been a difficult week and now, as an special final song, I am ill (annoying swollen glands).

Sometimes we do not realize of the things that should really matter to us. Sometimes we are blind to things and can only see some stuff that isn't as important as it should be.
I would really like to be an animal, sometimes, not to worry for the stupid problems we worry now. I guess, we don't really know, animals worry in some way. There are animals that are faithful forever and some that are not. But the fact of knowing what I am supposed to do in all the moments is really good. I mean, animals know what they do, they have it as an instinct. We've forgotten instincts towards religion, love and money. It is a pity, don't you think?

I have splitting headache... I am going to rest.

1 comment:

coque said...

sometimes i would love to forget about the future and face the problem only when it happens (if it really happens). and sometimes i just do something without thinking about the consequences.
buff, i'm a pure contradiction :P