Wednesday, 5 October 2005

Few thoughts (Part II)

This are not actually what I wanted to say yesterday but are some thought I had today.
3. Mood vs. Health. A friend of mine was absolutely right when she said that if my mood is down my defenses are down too. Yesterday I was feeling very sad in my life but, suddenly, I had a quite-normal-though-fulfilling conversation with a true friend and this made me happier than I have been in the last few weeks. Today, I didn't have a reason to be smiley and happy: my glands are still swollen, my head stopped aching because I took an strong pill, I went to work and I was bored, I got bad-billing-news. Though, I was happy. It was obviously she who made me happy. Can't wait to see her.
4. Remembrances. Today I was trying to find some tales and songs from when I was a child. I didn't find all I wanted, though I was happy to recall some songs I hadn't heard in a very long time. It all sounds different in the distance. There is this one song, "El ratón vaquero" (The cowboy mouse) that has a bit in English. It is very funny that what I though was "Uachunge, uichantak, uica rica tica tac..." or something similar when I was a child, suddenly became clear English words. We should never throw anything out. We will never know what will bring us so many nice memories when we are grown-ups (if we ever get to be).
5. Smiles. Marge Simpson said once that if you smile you get smiles back. It is true, definitely. Even though my colleague at work wont believe it, it works. Though, at the end of the chapter, Marge said it wasn't such a good idea. She's got a point, but she needs to add that you have to smile because you feel like smiling, not just with that purpose: to get smiles.
6. Chapters. Wouldn't sometimes be so great to live problems knowing that in 20 it has to be solved? It wouldn't be the same to know that what makes you so happy now will stop making you happy in that 20 minutes too.
Today has been easy. But my neck is so painful now.

1 comment:

coque said...

very interesting thoughts, but these days i have a *·$&/ in my mind that doesn't let my think clearly.
i will comment in a few days ;)