Friday, 31 August 2007

We still

It is still not ten years ago that I learned about Diana's death.

The day Di died my mother had been trying to wake me for hours. Then, she burst that Diana had died. As a gay I loved her, as a human I admired her. I jumped out of bed.
That day, like when the Pope Karol Józef Wojtyła died, or in September 11, there was nothing else in the telly.
I cried, I must say. Because I couldn't believe she had died. You don't expect people who you "know" since you were little to suddenly die. Yes, it was a shame when the Pope died and I felt sorry and sad, because he was "my" Pope even though I don't even believe in his religion; though, I was "expecting" this to happen, as he was old and ill. Diana... no, she was neither old nor ill. She was just perfect and perfect was supposed to remain forever. Unfortunately, she didn't. She passed away and left us here, wondering what was going to happen. After that, the gossip magazines and the yellow press have had it very hard to find someone like her. Not only for the fact that she was the mother of a future king of the UK but because she was nice and kind, helpful with the ones in need and beautiful.
Self-quoted from "Regina", Jan 29 97

And, still today, I feel like there's something missing. I wonder if she is really dead. I wonder if she is not gone to an island like that The Island of Homer Simpson. I wonder if she is not just hanging around with Doddy and Elvis and James Dean and Kurt Cobain and Janis Joplin and all those who left us too early. I wonder what number would she be. I'd give her the 1.

Today the sun isn't shining.
Today is a sad day.

Today we all remember you; because you are our princess, the princess of our hearts.

PS Today there is a service but Camilla isn't going to be attending. I wonder what Dianda would have liked.

Monday, 27 August 2007

You are my DayLight

Lady (Hear Me Tonight)

Lady (Hear Me Tonight) (Acoustic)

Lady hear me tonight
Coz' my feeling is just so right
As we dance by the moonlight
Can't you see you're my daylight

Lady I just feel like
I won't get you out of my mind
I feel love for the first time
And I know that it is true
I can tell by the look in your eyes

[Crossed memories with this song. I remember when I had just turned 20 and I used to dance this song with two E's just like the guys on the video but in a club instead of a shower. Also, I can't avoid thinking of your mother, whose words would come out just like this song. And now, I will remember this song with your eyes and your skin attached to it.]


Blue (Da Ba De)
Eiffel 65

Yo listen up here's a story
About a little guy that lives in a blue world
And all day and all night and everything he sees
Is just blue like him inside and outside
Blue his house with a blue little window
And a blue corvette
And everything is blue for him and himself
And everybody around
Cos he ain't got nobody to listen to

I'm blue da ba dee da ba die...

I have a blue house with a blue window.
Blue is the colour of all that I wear.
Blue are the streets and all the trees are too.
I have a girlfriend and she is so blue.
Blue are the people here that walk around,
Blue like my corvette, it's standing outside.
Blue are the words I say and what I think.
Blue are the feelings that live inside me.

[Ya sé que éste último vídeo és patético, pero creo que es menos patético que el oficial.]

Friday, 24 August 2007

All I need

Yesterday I helped on a move.
Boxes, boxes, bags and suitcases.
Thousands of them.

One year? Is it one year to accumulate all that? Wow. I don't have that many things and it's been almost three for me. Three? or a life time? I can't even remember.
You know, there is many people who have no clothes to wear.
I have three pairs of shoes. And that's enough.
This winter I've been throwing things out and giving things away. I haven't finished. And when I finally move, then, I'll be done. I don't want to give my books away. I already did give many of them. But I am not moving them.

I don't need many things. I'm waiting for you to take me to the Langue d'Oc or for you to take me to Danmark. I'll fill one suitcase with two or three books, two pairs of jeans, 4 t-shirts, some underwear and the shoes I am wearing. Oh, and my Laptop to keep you up to date. That's all.

That's all I need.

I'm ready.
Take me.

Changes, changes

Kelly Osbourne feat. Ozzy Osbourne

I feel unhappy
I am so sad
I lost the best friend
That I've ever had

She is my baby
I love her so
But it's too late now
I've let her go

We're going through changes (ohh)

We've shared the years
We've shared each day
I love you daddy
But I found my way

You know the world
Is an evil place
My baby is grown now
She's found her way

It took so long
To realize
I can still hear
His last goodbyes

Now all my days
I'm filled in fears
Wish I could go back
And change the years.

Tuesday, 21 August 2007

I thought

I hadn't listened to Alanis in a long while. It hurts sometimes when I listen to her and I was concentrating in other things. But I played "The Collection" while washing up.

I thought I had to think of you with her "Simple Together".

And now I know I still can think of you with her "Everything".



He lavado los platos que dejasteis.
He cambiado las sábanas que compartí con los dos.
He echado al cubo la toalla que nos unió a los tres.
He barrido la playa que trajiste.
Y todo, con las lágrimas sin sal que disemino, como las semillas de estrella.
Me voy a la ducha para renacer limpio y puro. Limpio de tus mentiras. Puro por sus verdades.

Por un momento creí que Habibi se moría, pero ahora sé que más que un pájaro ceniciento puede vivir.

PS "You're the one who is missing out".

Monday, 20 August 2007

Recortes de una semana

Me gustas tú


"Si sé que me van a hacer daño, de puta madre, porque así sé cómo evitarlo."

"Llorar es siempre bueno"
STOP, in the name of Love

Before you break my heart

He encontrado una coma.
Pero creo que no es la que perdí. En un primer momento estuve seguro de que era ella. Pero no, ahora estoy seguro de que no lo es.

Graines d'étoiles

Quiero irme lejos. ¿vienes?
Pues... al Langue d'Oc. Al Langue d'huc. Al Langue Duck.

Me lo he pasado muy bien con vosotros, esta semana. Gracias por... todo. Gracias sobretodo a ti.

Se fué
Quizás me deba alejar.

You know, he's got green eyes too.
P'aps it's me who isn't looking.


"I don't know why I was just looking for the sea"


"Le désert de mon cœur"

He descongelado el ¡Jo!

Gracias por aguantar y entender mis lágrimas, gracias por un fin de semana genial. Gracias por tus abrazos. Gracias por tus ojos. Gracias por mirarme. Gracias por abrazarme. Gracias por la cena. Gracias por entender que a veces no puedo hablar. Gracias por preguntar. Gracias por entenderme.

Supongo que Danmark puede esperar una semana.

No quiero escoger.

Fast Car

Fast Car

Mi coche no es rápido, pero sigue siendo un coche.

PS Ya no tengo sueños, no preguntes por ellos. Pero ten cuidado con los tuyos.

PS Me gusta el sonido de la lluvia cuando estoy en la cama. Me gusta cuando tú estás a mi lado. Y también si estás tú.

PS Quizás me vaya. Debería.

Update: y al final, lo único que me queda, son todos mis platos y vasos por lavar. Ya están mojados, de mis lágrimas sin sal.

Tuesday, 14 August 2007

Went to the shop

Though, I am super happy today.

"I'm never gonna stop the rain by complainin'"

This last few days it has been raining. It rains one day, the next it is bright and shining. But I got happy it was raining. I missed rain. I like rain. One morning, I got out, and it was chilly (I had my cardigan on) and all misty and wet. It felt London-y. I liked it. I took a train. It felt London-y. I walk around another city. It felt London-y. I loved it.
When it has actually been raining I have always been home or getting there. The rain in Spain does not always fall on the plain. And what is worse, the rain (and especially the summer rain) is totally different: if it rains, it pours. I don't remember rains like this in London. Even lights went off many times. One day it caught me on my way home. My sister drove most of the way, but I had to drive a bit. I could see nothing. I was like 1m/h and I could see just rain falling on my windshield.
I like rain. I missed it.

But, honey, don't you worry, cos "I just did me some talkin' to the sun".

Other rains: 1, 2.

My Wall

En restaurante de mi hermana, donde voy a echar una mano de vez en cuando, escribimos en las paredes de la cocina. Son de baldosa, así que se puede borrar fácilmente. Escribimos la lista de la compra, la de cosas por hacer, notas, la carta, etcétera.
Hay una pared que nadie usa, y se ha convertido en la mía. Ahí escribo mis pensamientos, las cosas que me rondan, lo que me preocupa. También lo que me hace feliz, aquello que me has dicho que me ha hecho sonreír y por lo que todavía sonrío.
Hay referencias que se encuentran en este blog y en TTTD. Otras algunos de vosotros las entenderéis. Otras, chilossa.
Por lo general me olvido de llevarme la cámara, pero estos últimos días me he acordado.
Iré subiéndolas cuando me acuerde de llevarme la cámara.
He hecho un set que quizás ponga en la barra lateral en un badge. Ya veremos.
Me gusta tener un sitio donde poder escribir mis pensamientos rápidos e idiotas. No soy grafitero así que esto es todo lo que consigo. Me divierte. Al final del servicio todas me vienen a preguntar qué significa esto o aquello y a explicarme lo que les sugieren. Me hace sentir especial.

Update: ya he creado el badge, así que podéis ir viendo las últimas tomas.

Monday, 13 August 2007


Björk - Medúlla

Vökuró (Gonzales Mix)
Björk - Triumph of a Heart

Bærinn minn
bærinn minn og þinn
sefur sæll í kyrrð
fellur mjöll
hljótt í húmi á jörð
grasið mitt
grasið mitt og þitt
geymir mold til vors

Hjúfrar lind
leynt við brekkurót
vakir eins og við
lífi trútt
kyrrlátt kalda vermsl
augum djúps
útí himinfyrrð
starir stillt um nótt

Langt í burt
vakir veröld stór
grimmum töfrum tryllt
óttast nótt og dag
augu þín
óttalaus og hrein
brosa við mér björt

Vonin mín
blessað brosið þitt
vekur ljóð úr værð
hvílist jörð
hljóð í örmum snæs
lokar augum blám
litla stúlkan mín



My farm
my farm and yours
sleeps happily at peace
falls snow
silent at dusk on earth
my grass
my grass and yours
keeps the earth til spring

Nesting spring
hid at the hill's root
awake as are we
faith in life
quiet cold spring
eye of the depths
into the firmament
staring still in the night

Far away
wakes the great world
mad with grim enchantment
fearful of night and day
your eyes
fearless and serene
smile bright at me

My hope
your blest smile
rouses verse from sleep
the earths rests
silent in arms of snow
lily white
closes her blue eyes
my little girl

Friday, 10 August 2007


Ya sé que se me ha ido mucho la olla y que no he avisado con tiempo. Pero, como viene sucediendo hace desde hace cuatro años, este fin de semana (hoy viernes y mañana sábado) se celebra el REC d'Estiu, el festival de cine corto hijo pequeño del Festival Rec i Play Acció Cultural.
Tras ver los cortos que votaremos podremos bailar al ritmo de los DJ's: hoy Charly Favel (RNE3) y mañana Elastics Utd. y Gruyeredj.
Todo se celebrará en el espacio de Can Bofill de la playa de Torredembarra.

Si queréis ver el programa de mano pinchad aquí (este link me da problemas, así que recomiendo que lo abráis en una nueva ventana).

A continuación la nota de prensa (en català):

Els dies 10 i 11 d’agost, el REC d’Estiu portarà els millors curts de la temporada i la innovació audiovisual a la platja de Torredembarra.

Una selecció dels millors curtmetratges de la temporada, entre ells el guanyador de la secció de ficció del REC’07, realitzada a l’abril a Tarragona. A més d’altres que no van poder entrar en la selecció del festival tarragoní i que ara podran ser apreuats pel públic. Una projecció amb un ambient totalment estiuenc: a l’aire lliure i a la platja. Una manera d’apropar aquest gènere de la creació jove a un públic que habitualment no està avesat a veure aquestes obres, ni a anar a un festival de cinema. Espectadors que a més seran jurat, car el guanyador (600 €) serà escollit mitjançant votació popular.

A més al final de la sessió, cada dia hi haurà un curt sorpresa, que de ben segur acontentarà els paladars més exigents.

I després, la música es conjugarà amb la innovació visual més arriscada. El reputat dj de RNE 3, Charlie Favel es mostrarà els seus coneixements musicals durant la nit del divendres. El conductor del popular programa Sateli3 veurà com la seva música es fon amb les arriscades propostes visuals de Saru, un creador de llarga trajectòria que ha estat presents a d’altres festivals com el FIB de Benicàssim. Seguint la línia de recolzament als autors locals, també es presentarà la composició “Una mirada hacia el interior”, projeccions dels artistes Oriol Panades i Vero Mallo.

La nit de dissabte els dj’s Eslastics Ultd i Gruyère ens regalaran una nit de funky que de ben segur farà pujar la temperatura de la nit. Es tracta de dos dj’s, que si bé tenen estils diferents, amb el funky com a punt d’inici tenen la mà trencada en aixecar auditoris i fer-nos moure tot el cos.

Tot això en l’espai de Cal Bofill. Un lloc per si mateix ben especial, però que durant el REC d’Estiu experimenta un transforma que el converteix en un indret màgic. La combinació de les projeccions, les barquetes, el so del mar, i una il·luminació conjuntada amb una la decoració d’arquitectures efímeres, el transformen en un espai totalment nou, acollidor i sorprenent.

Y sin más os dejo con uno de los cortos (seguro que lo conocéis) que participó el año pasado.

Éramos Pocos

Te vi bailar

Te vi correr

Den, den, den, dendenderebere...

La vi correr, llegaba tarde a clase,
no sé que hacer, esto no hay quien lo aguante,
estoy enamorado, y muy pronto
lo sabrás túuuu uuuuuh.

No aguanto más, no logro concentrarme,
miro hacia atrás, la veo en todas partes,
tengo que hablar con ella,
y no sé como empezar aaaaah aaaaah.

Le diré: hola, ¿qué tal estás?
Le diré: ven a bailar.
Le diré: quiero que sepas que yo
estoy colgado por tu amor.

Den, den, den, dendenderebere...

Nunca debí haber tardado tanto
en decidir acercarme a tu lado.
Estoy enamorado
y muy pronto lo sabrás túuuu túuu.

Pon, pon, pon, ponponporoboro...

Nunca debí haber tardado tanto
en decidir acercarme a tu lado.
Estoy enamorado
y por fin lo sabes túuuu uuuuuh.

Monday, 6 August 2007


For some freaking reason I don't have Internet at home.
I have moved to a new company and it happens that the old one has cut my service but the new one hasn't started it yet. I don't understand how this things can happen. The confirmation form hadn't been sent, so it hadn't been received, so, why on earth did they move it on already? I'm asking.
This really "grinds my gears".
I don't usually get answers for my questions lately. Questions to things. Questions to air. Questions to people. Questions to God. Questions to the Lightnes of Magic. Questions to the Mother Nature or even to the Ocean I don't know.
I need my answers. I need some replies.
In need new replies.
Why did you do this? Why did you do that? Why on earth would you say those words? Why haven't you said them?
What the fuck is going on with my life? Why the hell I am wasting my time?
Why is life fucking passing me by?
Why don't you sing to me again?

Don't Speak
No Doubt

You and me
We used to be together
Everyday together
I really feel
That I'm losing my best friend
I can't believe
This could be the end
It looks as though you're letting go
And if it's real
Well I don't want to know

Don't speak
I know just what you're saying
So please stop explaining
Don't tell me cause it hurts
Don't speak
I know what you're thinking
I don't need your reasons
Don't tell me cause it hurts

Our memories
Well, they can be inviting
But some are altogether
Mighty frightening
As we die, both you and I
With my head in my hands
I sit and cry

It's all ending
I gotta stop pretending who we are...
You and me I can see us dying... are we?

Don't Speak
Anna Maria Jopek

Thursday, 2 August 2007

Shut me

Now the Sirens have a still more fatal weapon than their song, namely their silence... Someone might possibly have escaped from their singing; but from their silence, certainly never.

Franz Kafka
"The Silence of the Sirens"