Tuesday, 29 May 2007

Far is close

Once again, this is one of those mini-posts that I had in my drafts for a very long time. As long as Christmas.
For those out of Spain and out of Spanish culture, you must know the New Year's Eve celebration ritual. The countdown here is done with the bells of church, so twelve gongs. With each one of them, we eat a grape.
Well, now you know this, I'll show you what LG brought for Christmas.
This came from Japan, through London. With some other (1, 2, 3, 4). We didn't eat them in the countdown, but afterwards. And, I have to say, they were delicious. I think the best gumies I ever eat.
But Japan does not end here. The thing is that earlier in December, an acquaintance of mine had come back after 10 months there working as a dancer. Where? In an amusement park. So what? Well, the park is called Parque España, i.e. Park Spain. In their site you can find info in English, not in Spanish, though. You have to know a bit about Spain but, I tell ya, it is full of clichés.

All this surprises me a lot. The sweets are just sweets, but it is super funny that my friend brought them for Christmas. But the amusement park is what is more surprising. Where else would you find something like that?

PS Some very good Flamenco dancers are from there. The love they have for Spanish culture is incredible.


Habibi said...

Efecto espejo. Japón desde España en Bailar en la Oscuridad.

coque said...

yumm, they look great.

when do we go to japan? :P

Habibi said...

If you are paying, tomorrow! (I'm poor)

Cvalda said...

Por fin me he atrevido a leer el post en inglés, ¡y me ha parecido muy interesante! Sabía lo de las uvas, pero no tenía ni idea de lo de la plaza O_o Qué fuerte...

Cvalda said...

Por cierto, gracias por linkearme, jeje ;)