Monday, 16 April 2007

I definitely am a language freak

~The target player loses two cards~

There were this two mountains of cards. There were thousands of them. One pile had cards in Spanish, the other one in Russian. I never played roleplaying games, but know a bit about it. I said "Give me one of them", he said "Choose the one you like". I took a wad from the pile in Russian, handed it to him and said "You choose". This is the one he gave me. It shines. It's not beautiful. It shows how freak I am.


coque said...

yes, you are :P

Hugo said...

"I dont claim to be a super freak
He just want to dance to a freaky beat
He don't claim to be a cover boy
Don't claim to be, but give it a whirl"

Superfreak, superfreak...!

Smile, I'm a freak too :P