Something interesting happened in the exam: when waiting to go in, I looked a guy who was standing a couple of meters from me. He was really handsome but he had a prayer beads around his neck. Perhaps it was to bring him luck. Or, perhaps, he memorized his text book like a prayer. So, I was looking at him, and he was looking at me. He must not have been from the island because he seemed to have the same problem I had in June, with the system. So, when he came into the room I was already sitting and he looked at me when he passed by. He finished before than me and, when he left, he looked at me, turning back when he was at the door. I thought when I would finish I would find him there, waiting. But, nah... nothing. Pity, because it would have proven movies right.
To celebrate, my brother and I were supposed to go out but things became weird. A cousin of ours is in the island and we were going to meet, but he called to cancel. Also, my all-times best (girl)friend is here with her partner and her child. We had arranged to meet to go out (she hasn't gone out since she got pregnant, so it was quite a thing) but I was going to cancel for the cousin thing, because my brother had arranged already, but, then, when he canceled, we decided to meet in the end. So, they went to Pachá to had dinner and they were going to stay there for dancing. So we went. Was fantastic, because we were in the list. Ha! Great. I felt like Carrie Bradshaw! Also, I was wearing my Ted Bakers, my favourite shoes. Although, it wasn't the first time I was on a list, this time it felt great.
So, we were chatting and dancing all night and we had so much fun. The only problem is that there was way too many people. Many of them English. And they were rude. They thought that they owned the place. Even one guy, fat guy, was so rude to me making like he wasn't hearing me when I was telling him very kindly "Excuse me, can I pass through?". After a couple of times, he looked at me and pointed at the next person, different direction of where I was going. So I had to make myself space to pass. At the moment, there were few women making and spectacle and they were very pretty: I bet the stupid fat rude English prick was looking at them as he has never had the opportunity to see one naked woman in real life. Listen, dude, I have! You loser!
Oh, god! Those people get on my nerves. Not the English people, I mean the rude people who think they are better than anyone. Only one guy said "sorry" to me. Yeah, he was British, but, hey, he was Indian or Pakistani descendant.
Drunken and drugged idiots. Lots of ladies who thought they looked pretty and they just looked like hookers. Lots of stupid Italian "children" with sunglasses. A guy threw up in front of me. Then, we moved, and we were just there quietly and a girl made us move because her friend who had a broken leg and was on a wheelchair, wanted to be where we were. So, they pushed. Then, a friend of her, who was old and ugly, was pushing me around. I hated that. But at least, one of the friends of the stupid-I-bet-she-broke-her-leg-behaving-like-a-child-just-because-she-was-in-Sunny-Spain girl, was real hot. And, from time to time, he was using his t-shirt to wipe his face and I could see his six-packer. Though, he was not the kind of guy I like. At all. He seemed from a Bel Ami movie (never seen one, actually), but, for some reason, I thought he was so good looking. He looked at me, but I don't think he was ready to get out of the closet, yet. Cuz he was so gay.
Anyway, so I have finished in this island. Next Wednesday I am flying to Barcelona. Then, I'll be preparing my move. Will see what happens.
To celebrate, my brother and I were supposed to go out but things became weird. A cousin of ours is in the island and we were going to meet, but he called to cancel. Also, my all-times best (girl)friend is here with her partner and her child. We had arranged to meet to go out (she hasn't gone out since she got pregnant, so it was quite a thing) but I was going to cancel for the cousin thing, because my brother had arranged already, but, then, when he canceled, we decided to meet in the end. So, they went to Pachá to had dinner and they were going to stay there for dancing. So we went. Was fantastic, because we were in the list. Ha! Great. I felt like Carrie Bradshaw! Also, I was wearing my Ted Bakers, my favourite shoes. Although, it wasn't the first time I was on a list, this time it felt great.
So, we were chatting and dancing all night and we had so much fun. The only problem is that there was way too many people. Many of them English. And they were rude. They thought that they owned the place. Even one guy, fat guy, was so rude to me making like he wasn't hearing me when I was telling him very kindly "Excuse me, can I pass through?". After a couple of times, he looked at me and pointed at the next person, different direction of where I was going. So I had to make myself space to pass. At the moment, there were few women making and spectacle and they were very pretty: I bet the stupid fat rude English prick was looking at them as he has never had the opportunity to see one naked woman in real life. Listen, dude, I have! You loser!
Oh, god! Those people get on my nerves. Not the English people, I mean the rude people who think they are better than anyone. Only one guy said "sorry" to me. Yeah, he was British, but, hey, he was Indian or Pakistani descendant.
Drunken and drugged idiots. Lots of ladies who thought they looked pretty and they just looked like hookers. Lots of stupid Italian "children" with sunglasses. A guy threw up in front of me. Then, we moved, and we were just there quietly and a girl made us move because her friend who had a broken leg and was on a wheelchair, wanted to be where we were. So, they pushed. Then, a friend of her, who was old and ugly, was pushing me around. I hated that. But at least, one of the friends of the stupid-I-bet-she-broke-her-leg
Anyway, so I have finished in this island. Next Wednesday I am flying to Barcelona. Then, I'll be preparing my move. Will see what happens.
Najwa Nimri – "So Often" – "Walkabout"
Today is so boring
It's gonna start today
So often
I'm gonna change my ways
So often
Today is so boring
It's gonna start today
So often
I'm gonna change my ways
So often
Image taken from here.
so many things in a post, it's so hard to comment...
1. that way of flirting, only with the eyes is very funny.
2. i'd love to go to a good disco, and listen to good music once.
3. i'm becoming more intolerant with some kind of people. i don't like the attitudes you describe.
4. i love that song :P
Sorry, I'll try to be more concise.
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