[Lately I've been very disperse and I have posted many things at a time. This has been for my own personal situation, of course, and because I've been quite away from here. Before I used to blog from work but this summer I've been off work and now, at my current job, I don't use a computer. Imagine, I miss blog-reading every morning first thing. So, since I don't come that often, I write all what has been bugging me in the same post. I am going to try to keep only one subject at a time, now. But this is going to be a short post.]
I am late, I know. This is about the Pope Benedict XVI. We all already know what he said, right? Briefly, he said that 'his' God isn't as violent as other's. I didn't hear the proper words, so maybe I am mistaking in what he exactly said, but what he meant is that Catholic religion is best.
I have always "hated" when people has made statements as they were facts. I do them, as well, as I am human. You can read back. Though, I really try not to do them.
I have already talked about how I don't like how people uses the word "important", "normal" or actually any statement that does not go with the "my point of view" or such, part. So, that's why I am not going to say HOW WRONG was the Pope. Yeah, I am saying he was wrong and this is an statement. But, c'mon guys, you are with me, right? Actually, he, the Pope, is with me.
Why I came today (today because I didn't have time the last few days) to talk about that is because he said, when he gathered with the heads or people representing other religions in Italy (or something like that), that they have to find a way to accept each other's religions and to get closer.
I really couldn't help it laughing.
Come on, only the fact that there is more than one religion would already make me think that somehow we are doing something wrong. Listen, I am not saying at all that God does not exist, because she may or may not exist, but it isn't my business to decide so. This is something we all feel. What I am saying is that religion has to be totally wrong. This is my opinion.
What is obvious and I have heard saying to many religious chiefs, is that there is one God, how it is called is something else. So, OK. Let's say I accept the existence of God (whether I do or not, is only my business as it is only your business if you do or don't), fine. Then, what then, even the religions that have the same God are different. Because, the Jews, the Catholics, the Protestants, the Anglicans, the Mormons... don't they actually have the same God? Because saying that Catholic God and Islam's God is the same is harder to believe, because the difference between "religions" (note the inverted commas, i.e. not Faith; note the capital letter) is something man-made. Absolutely. Faith is Faith and it is only in the within of each one of us. Religion is just like the skin.
So, OK, I was saying I accept that God exists. Fine. Then, what religion should I follow? This is where I realise that religion is something I don't need.
Right now, many Muslims around the world are celebrating Ramadan. I will have to wait a few more months until Lent. I don't eat much meat, but I should not eat meat on Fridays. This is quite common in the UK. Here in Spain, not at all, only Good Friday.
Why is that? Why does "my" God (I say my because I grew up in this society, it could have been any other) let me eat anything and "my neighbour's God" does not? Wasn't the same one?
I am not going to start speaking about the whys of the differences between religions, i.e. not eating pork, cow; fasting, Ramadan, Christmas, Hanukkah... Just check the Wikipedia or any other source.
Ufff... it is being very hard to explain myself.
I don't mean to insult anyone, of course, when I say that religions are wrong. My thoughts are clear: Faith is Faith and your Faith should never interfere with your social life or any other aspect of your life. What I am trying to say is that your Faith should stay in your house and don't ever let that create a fight between you and your friends or neighbours. This has happened. Even between members of a family.
And what is worse: I have a friend who died because his religion didn't let him have an operation. hmph... [no words].
What I also want to say is that, if in any case we should have a religion we should have ONE. (I won't discuss the Social Work they do –as opium–, not building things, that they do as well, but this isn't the most important.) What we should do is unify them. Yeah, right, I am against Globalization, almost for anything. But, hey, if this is supposed to be a truth de facto, a dogma, why is it regional? Why it isn't de jure? Idon't get it.
Well, I don't know if you have understood me. But I must go now.
I don't know if I have understood myself. But I am hungry.
I am late, I know. This is about the Pope Benedict XVI. We all already know what he said, right? Briefly, he said that 'his' God isn't as violent as other's. I didn't hear the proper words, so maybe I am mistaking in what he exactly said, but what he meant is that Catholic religion is best.
I have always "hated" when people has made statements as they were facts. I do them, as well, as I am human. You can read back. Though, I really try not to do them.
I have already talked about how I don't like how people uses the word "important", "normal" or actually any statement that does not go with the "my point of view" or such, part. So, that's why I am not going to say HOW WRONG was the Pope. Yeah, I am saying he was wrong and this is an statement. But, c'mon guys, you are with me, right? Actually, he, the Pope, is with me.
Why I came today (today because I didn't have time the last few days) to talk about that is because he said, when he gathered with the heads or people representing other religions in Italy (or something like that), that they have to find a way to accept each other's religions and to get closer.
I really couldn't help it laughing.
Come on, only the fact that there is more than one religion would already make me think that somehow we are doing something wrong. Listen, I am not saying at all that God does not exist, because she may or may not exist, but it isn't my business to decide so. This is something we all feel. What I am saying is that religion has to be totally wrong. This is my opinion.
What is obvious and I have heard saying to many religious chiefs, is that there is one God, how it is called is something else. So, OK. Let's say I accept the existence of God (whether I do or not, is only my business as it is only your business if you do or don't), fine. Then, what then, even the religions that have the same God are different. Because, the Jews, the Catholics, the Protestants, the Anglicans, the Mormons... don't they actually have the same God? Because saying that Catholic God and Islam's God is the same is harder to believe, because the difference between "religions" (note the inverted commas, i.e. not Faith; note the capital letter) is something man-made. Absolutely. Faith is Faith and it is only in the within of each one of us. Religion is just like the skin.
So, OK, I was saying I accept that God exists. Fine. Then, what religion should I follow? This is where I realise that religion is something I don't need.
Right now, many Muslims around the world are celebrating Ramadan. I will have to wait a few more months until Lent. I don't eat much meat, but I should not eat meat on Fridays. This is quite common in the UK. Here in Spain, not at all, only Good Friday.
Why is that? Why does "my" God (I say my because I grew up in this society, it could have been any other) let me eat anything and "my neighbour's God" does not? Wasn't the same one?
I am not going to start speaking about the whys of the differences between religions, i.e. not eating pork, cow; fasting, Ramadan, Christmas, Hanukkah... Just check the Wikipedia or any other source.
Ufff... it is being very hard to explain myself.
I don't mean to insult anyone, of course, when I say that religions are wrong. My thoughts are clear: Faith is Faith and your Faith should never interfere with your social life or any other aspect of your life. What I am trying to say is that your Faith should stay in your house and don't ever let that create a fight between you and your friends or neighbours. This has happened. Even between members of a family.
And what is worse: I have a friend who died because his religion didn't let him have an operation. hmph... [no words].
What I also want to say is that, if in any case we should have a religion we should have ONE. (I won't discuss the Social Work they do –as opium–, not building things, that they do as well, but this isn't the most important.) What we should do is unify them. Yeah, right, I am against Globalization, almost for anything. But, hey, if this is supposed to be a truth de facto, a dogma, why is it regional? Why it isn't de jure? Idon't get it.
Well, I don't know if you have understood me. But I must go now.
I don't know if I have understood myself. But I am hungry.