Saturday, 19 November 2005


I think I have never told you about Rayito.

Rayito is a Rainbow Ray of Light that has been accompanying me along all summer. My desk is by the window and, every morning, Rayito was laying on my table for a couple of hours.
One day 'he' didn't come back; autumn had arrived, we had changed one hour and the Sun had moved a bit on its position in the sky. I was sad.

This morning, though, Rayito was on my table; very light and smaller than before but he was there telling me: "Do not worry, I'll be back soon, winter is coming and I have to hibernate. Enjoy your winter and think of me. I look forward being here every morning, with you, seeing the boring time at work go by."
Photo originally taken from here.


coque said...

nice to meet you, rayito!
i love to see seasons come and go. it means that despite all nature is working (nature is ancient), and it shows that we can re-birth again and again and again...

Anonymous said...

Brilliant, my dear, absolutely brilliant. xo