Monday, 28 November 2005

[ -- no words -- ]

As you could read in last friday's post, it was the day of the fight against domestic violence.
In the eleven months of this year 56 women have been killed by their partners (in Spain), more than weeks in the whole year. Although it is an 11% less than last year's, it is still a lot --one is already too many.
On Saturday I heard something amazing: in this year there have been over 28 thousand detentions for domestic violence. Also there have been over 43 thousand reports to police of abuses to women.
God, this is a lot of people! It is amazing how many women have died but, God, so many that could have.
The worst: this have been happening for ever and, unfortunately, it will always be. Hateful Human Behaviour.
I have no words for that.

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