Tuesday, 17 July 2007

Can I give you my telephone number?

'How did you get so cute?'
'I was born this way. What is your excuse?'
Brothers & Sisters – Season 1, Episode 5: Date Night

This series has started recently in Spain. I am not following but had it tonight while doing random stuff on the computer. Suddenly I heard that and I couldn't believe it was coming just that exact moment. It was like an enlightment. It was like seeing God. It was like an slap on the face.
I don't usually talk about myself but I think I am kinda ready to open myself a bit.

I don't know how to flirt. Well, at least I don't remember. I used to. When I was young(er) I used to have an intense love life. Then I got "married" and now I am back in the market. And now what? I grew my belly and I lost my hair. And I am only twenty five.
So now, now what? Even if I might not look like, I am very shy. Even if I don't look so, I am very soft in the inside.
I don't even know what the heck I want to say. I just felt so touched by that sentence. Why can't I say those things? And why, if I say those things, I never get the same response. Or the ideal response.

I've learned a few things latelly. And one of them is that I get shit when I don't say the things and shit when I say them. But when I say them I feel much more relieve.
It is a long way to go till I am confortable enough to flirt "openly". But life is long.

Well, tomorrow off to Madrid to Björk's concert.
Enjoy the week.


Vulcano Lover said...

Just try...

no night like the night you know, no time like the time you tremble, no mist like the mist we grow. No question like the one you don't dare to say... No words like the ones I cannot say.

So just try, my friend, just try... Sometimes, there is simply no answer.

Nice evening for tomorrow.

Habibi said...

Ta, I'll follow your advice.
That "tomorrow" was fab!