Friday, 3 March 2006


Last week I did some changes in this blog (the heading banners) and, with this creative impulse, I have also created a butoon:
You can place the button by writing this code wherever you want the button to appear:

<li><a target="_blank" href=><img src="" alt="Ten to the Dozen"></a></li>

Well, I am ammending this post since Winde helped me again in this HTML language.
If you need any help on how to add the button, just ask me how. Not that I am an expert, but I know how since I learnt it from MaraJade :P
Also, there is a vertical banner that Gatchan has in his blog. You can find it here.
This looks very self centred but, really, it isn't. Just that I very much enjoy doing new things.
Be happy!

1 comment:

Winde said...

Nice button ;)

If you want to write HTML in your posts just follow these guidelines:

Replace < with & lt;
Replace > with & gt;
Replace " with & quot;
Remove the blank space after & (It was the only way to write these instructions here without running into the same problem)

Also you can check my website for the random banner code.

If you have any trouble at all you know where to contact me ;)