Tuesday, 14 February 2006


Well, finally I've finished my exams. They have been tough, but they are done now and I can only wait for the results, i.e. I still have a month of happiness. I am not confident on them but this are my first exams at the Open University and it is very difficult to study on your own. You have to have so much discipline and follow an schedule. I miss going to class. It was so much fun at my university in London. There I met people who was interested in what I am interested in and this is difficult, sometimes, to find.
The first day of exams, when I went for first time ever to my university's building, I met a school mate. She is a very nice woman and we went for lunch together.
I felt weird in the exams room (all at once, no matter the subject) as I was one of the youngest. This had happened also in London and in my last year at high school as they were evening classes.
Certainly, my brain was "out of service" and it got to a point that I couldn't fit any more. I guess in English there is a similar idiom to the Spanish "El saber no ocupa lugar" ("Knowledge does not take space"). But, hey, my books do and they even weight a lot. Also, perhaps I have so much going on in my head that I cannot make more space for this.
But what truly happens is that if you don't use your brain, it slowly dies out.
Sometimes I'd like to be one of those people who wake up in the morning to go work and are back home in the evening and just sit and watch telly. Nothing to worry about (hypothetically, of course; there is always something to worry, e.g. money) and just a life to watch go by. But then, I realise that what I really like is to be one of those people who know a lot (about something very little as no-one knows a lot about many things) and are fulfilled with knowledge.
But what I would really like is just to know a bit and have a few friends who know the rest and we could just spend long evenings talking about the boring things we find interesting.
I miss being a "present" pupil and especially having some other pupils around me.


coque said...

I don't miss exams.

ian llorens said...

I miss my university time (not the exams). I do not think I could have got my two university degrees without going to class every day and having the support of my university friends. We always studied together while eating potato chips and drinking coca-cola. That worked pretty well.

Good luck with your exams!!