This afternoon I have been watching the news. There is this thing going on for a few weeks about the energy company Endesa being sold. Two of the possible buyers are the gas company Gas Natural and the German E.On.
Also, some sales of Energy companies are happening in Europe and this came across with a company in Belgium that produces wind power.
Also, yesterday, I saw on the news that Barcelona Town Hall announced the construction of more photovoltaic installations in the sad Fòrum.
Another fact: the Spanish govern has brought up a plan to encourage people to change old household appliances and machinery to newer and less contaminating ones by granting them with some economical help. All, to save on energy and to reduce pollution.
Also, at the Geneva Car MotorShow, there are many hybrid (petrol-electricity) cars and innovations to reduce petrol and to be more ecological.
But the most important is the rather small report that said that Spanish people "is not really into" ecology. We don't recycle (I've said that before), we don't care about ecology or about saving energy. This is true, I know, I am Spanish (though, I do care).
The thing is that in this little report they talked about "switching off" the unused lamps. This is the most important thing (for me, now, in this post).
When I was in London, oh beautiful city, I lived close to Stratford and from my flat I could see Canary Wharf. Yes, the views were beautiful. And yes, when I was confused and/or sad I used to look at it and I was getting peace. Though, I always wondered why lights where always on. I was thinking if there were any of the offices that was working all day long. I doubted so. Perhaps a call centre. Perhaps the cleaning people (not ladies only, please) or maintenance people (not only men, either, please). Or whatever. But the thing is that lights where always on. All night long. I wonder how much energy would they save if they turned them off when the last one left the office.
Sure it would look less nice but, what do we want, a nicer place or a place at all?
(Please, do not answer right now, take your time)
Image originally taken from here.