Wednesday, 7 December 2005

A week

I have been told off about not posting lately. It has been 7 days already. A week. But, you know, it has been quite hectic these days.
The think, even though the hectic-ness, nothing really important has happened. The best of all is the sun that, even though it is cold out there, is shining like in a beautiful Scandinavian spring. I am so loving it.
I have had some nice thoughts and I have been doing some research, i.e. I have some half-written posts.
I am feeling very lazy today. Yesterday I was off as it was Spanish Constitution day. Tomorrow I am off as it is the Immaculate Conception. So, as it has been said, this week is an aqueduct (when we have e.g. Sunday - day - Bank Holiday and we take that day off we call it to have bridge) or as well the week of the three Mondays like for me as I am not off today. Now I am sitting on my desk (luckily the boss is out and my colleague went to the shop --the other two people of the office are not in this morning), being told to increase work "quantity" as we are so much time off this month. What is what is worth? Quantity or quality? Humph! I hate my job. I so want to change. I want one what we call "intensive", i.e. 8 hours in a row (or even 9 with one for lunch). 8-4. To have all the afternoon to study (I haven't been able to go through all my books yet), to write, to read, to look at the sky, to post, to email, to meet people, to go to the cinema, to listen to all the new music I have and to do all those things that I have in my to-do list (which, actually, has at the bottom: to fall in love).


coque said...

'to fall in love" should be in the top of the list
everything looks easier when you're in love :P

Habibi said...

I don't want to see the things easier only for a time... I want to see them easy because I know how to deal with them. Besides, I DO love problems and difficulties (only when I can manage them and they help me improve myself).
Falling in love is so down in my list now, "I have burnt myself". But this is not that kinda blog.
Please, Gatchan, read this:,,1604277,00.html