I was joking with a colleague at work because she is now hanging out with the new secretary. I was telling her things like "Go with your new friend... You don't love me anymore... What does she have that I don't...". It was all a joke and it was only because this girl and I had been talking a long time ago about that. Friends that are so possessive with you and suddenly, because you do a pretty normal thing that they disapprove, stop to talk you and you became a part of the past, a former friend. This is quite pathetic.
But, at the end of the day, we are becoming a non-social society. Well, perhaps we are very social, but just through our keyboards. Suddenly we see how people chat through MSN when they live two blocks away.
In the other hand, this new technologies has given us the opportunity for, at last, be in touch with people we haven't seen in a while. Now you leave summer camp and instead of sending a few letters in a year and never again, we catch up from time to time in the cyberspace.
And another facility are web sites like Passado that gives you the opportunity of meeting your former school mates. Though, this is quite a tough and boring thing to do, perhaps, looking at our past instead of at our present. I do think that Karina was right when she sung in 1971 in Eurovision "Volver la vista atrás es bueno a veces, mirar hacia adelante es vivir sin temor" [To turn the sight back is sometimes good, to look ahead is to live without fear] from the song El baúl de los recuerdos [The memories' chest].
But, going back to the main issue which was 'friendships', I think that sometimes we do not realize that one of the most important differences between us and animals is actually language. I love language and I see that we are losing towards it. Why do we wait for him/her to call... Why do not call if what we want is to speak with him/her.
People does not understand that an easier thing to do instead of stay still is to do something.
But sometimes it is too difficult or hard to stand up from the sofa and leave the chocolate back to clean up our greasy faces and look straigh into our eyes and ask to ourselves: What are you waiting for?
i totally agree with you :P
after a couple of months just waiting i decided to move on. now i'm the one who drives towards my own destiny.
a couple of weeks ago i decided to stop looking and tell him what i though, and now i'm happy :P
"But sometimes it is too difficult or hard to stand up from the sofa and leave the chocolate back to clean up our greasy faces and look straigh into our eyes and ask tourselvesfs: What are you waiting for?"
I wish I could answer that. What am I waiting for??? For something that's not happening I guess.
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