"Las comparaciones son odiosas" we say. Comparisons are hateful. But sometimes we are thrown into situations where we cannot avoid them.
Part of my job is going house by house, like a Jehovah's Witness or a book seller (LOL). [It is actually very tiresome.] Well, I was doing so and I spoke with a man about the Post. The Spanish Post company (Correos), which belongs to the State, works awfully bad. I was telling him that I get letters only once a week; my street is new but it is in the very center of the town. He was complaining of the postman, who was leaving the letters in the corner of the street –it is a complex of about 15 houses– or all of them in the community's mail box. 'If this is his job, why isn't he doing it properly?', he told me. I had no answer. I could only compare it with the UK where it works better; perhaps because there are two companies that do the work, so it means competitivity.
This made me think about why people isn't doing thing properly, why don't they think with their brain instead of with their... whatever...
And going back to the office I looked at how dirty is sometimes the street.
The other day was one of those very windy days and all the streets were full of papers and plastic bags that were moved by the air ("There's live in the world" or something like that said the guy of American Beauty). But, in reality, it was a very disgusting experience. This wouldn't have happened if people threw things to the litter or took them home and threw them away there. I don't think this is so difficult, I do it. And I am not saying it just to say it and to lie about, but because it is true: my bag seems sometimes a dump. I've many times heard of/seen grown ups (under 50's because over 50's grew on a different society where this didn't happen that often) throw things to the floor; things like tobacco packs, tissueses, bottles or cans. And many times in front of children. This is just pathetic. I understand that they throw cigarette butts, but I cannot understand other things. And what about the people that eat sunflower seeds or pistachios while walking? Or, what when they are sitting and they leave a sunflower-rests carpet?
Since our cleaning services are not great (I don't want to compare now, again), why people don't help everybody a bit and keep everything clean?
A while ago I so another scene that I hated. The day before they had distributed the new Sínia, the town's magazine. It is a quite stylish yet old-fashioned magazine which doesn't look cheap at all (I have a column in it) and it is absolutely for free. So, I was walking work and I saw a few of them, 4 or 5, on the floor, on the pavement. It hurt me so much. They were in the morning in the publicity mail box of the building. Why on earth would someone just throw on the floor the hard work of so many people? And what's worse, the money of all of us? Since this is paid by the Culture Department.
I just don't understand. I am not asking them to read it all (dulls are in every country), but at least respect it and respect the rest of the inhabitants.
And of course, when things are dirty, the firsts to complain are obviously them!
As well that day I was thinking a lot on why my town has no parks and things aren't neat. But this is another story and needs to be explained another time, as Ende would say.