Thursday, 31 January 2008

No puedo más

Estoy aquí
Rosario Flores

Estoy aquí, aquí solita.
Pensando en ti, comiéndome la cabecita.
No pueda más, me voy pa' fuera.
A ver si el aire me quita la borrachera.

Me matas no lo puedo remediar,
Que no lo sé,
Que no estoy equivocada.

Será posible que no te enteras,
Que soy la buena leña de tu hoguera.
No tengas miedo mi amor no quema.
Bailemos en el centro de la tierra.

Mira que yo daría lo que fuera.
Ay a oscuritas, ay si pudiera.
Ya buscaré ese momento
Para decirte a la cara
Todo lo que siento.

Aquí estoy yo muy a gustito,
Pensando en lo bien que estamos calentitos.
Nunca pensé que te diría
Que eres lo que me quita la vida.
Mira que yo daría lo que fuera.

Me matas no lo puedo remediar,
Que no lo sé,
Que no estoy equivocada.
Aquí estoy yo, aquí me quedo
Espero que me eches mucho de menos.

Wednesday, 30 January 2008


Ha pasado mucho tiempo desde el último recoplilatorio con mis canciones favoritas. Más de dos años, de hecho. Y también bastante desde que uní unas canciones para vosotros.
Pero aquí está. Quería traéroslo para Año Nuevo pero este largo enero ya se termina cuando yo acabo éste recopilatorio.

Significa 2007 para mí. Su título es Twelve ('Doce'), por razones obvias. He aquí la lista de canciónes:
1. Graines d’étoiles - Émilie Simon & Perry Blake
2. L’ultimo - Ania Dąbrowska
3. Changes - Mónica Cervera
4. Writer’s Block - Just Jack
5. Ah w noss - Nancy Ajram
6. Foto - Joan Miquel Oliver
7. Watching Cars Go By - Felix da Housecat
8. Vökuró (Gonzales mix) (Live version) - Björk
9. Jesse - Ivri Lider
10. LDN - Lily Allen
11. Wish You Were Here - Pink Floyd
12. You Don’t Know My Name - Alicia Keys
Ya sabéis cómo me gustan las Super Bonus Track. Por eso tiene dos:
À cause des garçons (Tepr remix) - Yelle
Bo (Yossi & Jagger version) - Ivri Lider vs. Henree
No puedo ni empezar a decir gracias a las personas que me dieron estas canciones. Algunas de ellas sabéis porqué están aquí. Otras no, bueno, pero lo sabréis algún día. La décimo segunda canción no aparece en ningún otro sitio, vosotros no sabéis porqué está aquí. Yo no estaba aquí tampoco. Pero si hubiera estado, esta hubiera sido la elegida. Tú sabes porqué, ¿no?
También, gracias a los que me han ayudado con el desarrollo de la cubierta.

Como de costumbre he subido las canciones y el artwork.
Esta vez, el artwork está preparado para una caja. Si alguien quiere un sobre, lo puedo hacer. Decídmelo.
No hay imagen en el interior y lo he hecho todo en PDF para que sea más fácil.
Todavía no lo he imprimido para mí (no tengo impresora ahora) así que no sé si está todo bien. Espero que sí.
Las canciones están en un HTML con el resto de los archivos.

Artowork y otros archivos.


It's been a long time since I did a compilation with my top songs. Over two years, in fact. And as well quite a while since I united some songs altogether for you.
But here it is. I wanted to bring it to you for the New Year but this long January is ending when I finish this compilation.

It means 2007 for me. Its title is Twelve, for obvious reasons. And this is the play list:
1. Graines d’étoiles - Émilie Simon & Perry Blake
2. L’ultimo - Ania Dąbrowska
3. Changes - Mónica Cervera
4. Writer’s Block - Just Jack
5. Ah w noss - Nancy Ajram
6. Foto - Joan Miquel Oliver
7. Watching Cars Go By - Felix da Housecat
8. Vökuró (Gonzales mix) (Live version) - Björk
9. Jesse - Ivri Lider
10. LDN - Lily Allen
11. Wish You Were Here - Pink Floyd
12. You Don’t Know My Name - Alicia Keys
You know how I love Super Bonus Tracks. That's why it has two:
À cause des garçons (Tepr remix) - Yelle
Bo (Yossi & Jagger version) - Ivri Lider vs. Henree
I can't even begin to say thank you to the people who brought those songs to me. Some of them you know why they are here. Some others, well, sometime you'll know. I know the twelfth song doesn't appear anywhere, you guys don't know why it is here. I wasn't here either. But if I had been, that would have been the one. You know why, don't you?
Also, thank you to those who helped on the development of the artwork.

As usual I have uploaded the artwork and the tracks.
This time the artwork is made for a case. If someone wants an envelope, I can make it. Let me know.
Also, there is no image in the inside and I have done everything in PDF so it is easier.
I haven't printed it for me yet (I don't have a printer now) so I don't know if it alright. Hope so.
The lyrics are with the rest of the files, but you can access them on-line.

Artwork and other files.

Tuesday, 29 January 2008

Link me

Well, here I am. I have been absent for a while. There are millions of reasons why I haven't been here. Work. Social life. Love (?) life. Studies (no, studies not, cos I am right now in my preparation week for my exams and here I am, after such a long, instead of with the Spanish Medieval Literature). But most importantly that I am here, in London, and I live with someone who listens to what I have to say. Moreover (ha) we've got a cat, so I can also speak to her.
I have a list of possible posts. Thinks I thought were interesting and wanted to talk about them. Some of the items have been there for months. Some are from summer 2006, I remember. And today I am rescuing one of them. But it isn't an old thing. It happens that I have been talking about it recently.
You guys know how I love the Internet. And the Wikipedia and Google and Blogger, etc. There are many reasons why liking it: it's new technology, it's the future, we've grown to like it. But one of the real reasons is because I see the web is just like our brains.
How many thoughts can we have at the same time? I don't know, but many. Thousands maybe, but we only realise of few of them, even one, the most important one. Do we actually have thoughts that say "breath!"? I don't know.
When we talk about something there are many ways to get to the point of the story and we have to choose the right one, or the shortest, or the longest, or the most pleasant or the one that avoids saying some stuff the other does not need to know. It's like driving, you have many different ways to get to that city but you chose that road. But there are other things, and you are aware off, and there are things happening at the side of the road, and you chose to stop and look at them, have a meal, buy some mushrooms, or you chose to get home as soon as possible, cook something and order the mushrooms online.
Last Sunday I went with LG and another friend to see Daniel Kitson (wiki-him) at The Hob in Forest Hill. The evening was fantastic but I have to talk about it in TMOT (yes, I know I am very delayed there - so I am here, but seriously). But there was a moment, a joke, that meant a lot to me and to what I am talking here. He definitely thinks the same way as me about this. He said "We don't have a thought - we don't sit and ... hmm, we build one thought, done, let's move on to the next thought" and then he went on talking about all the thoughts he has at the same time when he feels like eating cheese. Yes, that's right. We talk, we think, and there are always things that we can "click" on and go to another place, there are many doors and windows we can open. Doors where we can go and change our thoughts, windows that can just influence us.
So this is one of the most wonderful things of the Internet. We are reading something and suddenly there is something underlined or with different colour - a link, that is - so we click on it and we are reading something else (personally I mostly open it in a new tab, so I don't lose what I had). This is our brain as well, because we are talking about oranges and suddenly our grandfather appears in the middle, and we talk about names, and about your father and the other grandfather, and the house in the village, and the olive trees, and the olive oil, and the Polish bread, and then there is the ice-cream, and the time we were in that square in that city in that country, and how I ate fish, later on that summer, and how I like driving, and how I want to travel again, and how I am scared of flying, but there are always drugs I can take to sleep all the way to South America, but it is too hot, but I really don't want to be there again, and I think I can survive for a week, and so on, and on and on, cos there are always links in our brains.
The funniest is that the night before going to the comedy show, after eating veggie Haggis and drinking Scotch, we had been talking about the new tool: No Links Please!. Seriously, you better get away with some self-control: there are many links on my beloved Wikipedia but I don't click on all of them, only on the ones I am truly interested in (I am a bit like Kyle, though, and I am interested in many things).
When I write in here I try to link to pages I refer. To images. When I post songs as well. I like links, cos they make the Internet more human.

Listening to Alberto Iglesias' The Kite Runner's OST
Discovering (sidebar) the opening credits for the above movie,
its music and its typeface

PS I have to update many things in my blogs. Especially the links to YOU. Will do soon. Forgive me if you aren't there. But you are in the links in my brain.
PS2 BTW, if you do want to link me (the post title wasn't about this), you can also use the button I created ages ago. More info here or at the bottom of the sidebar. When I have time I will make a new one, though. Thanks.

PS3 and more important: thank you for all your comments and messages in this blog and the Spanish one. Thanks for being there. Thanks for caring. Thanks for worrying. Thanks for missing me. Really, thank you.